Thursday, December 3, 2015

MCPP Portfolio Project Submission:Reflection: Project Revision - Audio Slide Show

Star Rating Sought: 1 star

Project Description: The project below was created for my New Media Journalism and Communications class. We were to find a subject to interview, and then capture photographic visuals to include in a video we would be making by combining the audio interview and photographs. The videos were created to teach us how to evoke emotion, and create attention-grabbing story telling while using audio and visuals that are created separately and then combine into one video.

My project tells the story of a man who was in the United States Army, why he joined, and what he plans to do with his life now that he's out of the militarty.

Link to Deliverable:

Feedback Received: My instructor and peers advised me to include more photos that weren't so similar in look. My instructor also advised me to have my speaker talk more about what he wanted to do after his military career and where he plans to take his future career. I revised my visuals and audio and resubmitted my deliverable.

Resources Utilized: iPhone6S, Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014, and

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