Thursday, May 21, 2015

Project: Portfolio Skeleton

This week we were to create a portfolio skeleton web page, to start our base for our portfolio/resume. This is to help us get a jump-start on our public facing portfolio to get exposure for our work. It's good for us to build a foundation to showcase our skill and we can continue to build on this skeleton as we go forward in our school career.

My porfolio:

Do you feel confident in your understanding of the MCBS Portfolio requirement?
Yes, portfolio requirements are clear and easy to understand. MCBS projects submitted need to be the students best work. This makes it suitable to add to a portfolio to showcase future employers.

Explain how the 1- and 2-star projects you are completing in your MCPP courses contribute to the requirement.
The projects I’m completing contribute to the requirements because they’re applicable to what I’ve been learning in class. These projects reflect my skill and understanding.

What areas of this skeleton site do you feel are the strongest? Why?
I think the strongest area of my portfolio is my Portfolio section. This section showcases my talent. Each photo shows hair and makeup I have done, so it’s great for employers to view and see my work.

What areas do you feel need the most work? Why?
I think the area that needs more work would be a new section that can be labeled “Work.” This should be created to show my Full Sail University projects that are applicable to event planning and make sense for me to add to my site.

Are you proud of what you created here? Why?

I’m very proud of what I created because creating it has shown me how far I’ve come in the last 2 years. It’s amazing to see all the certificates I’ve acquired from and really see all my accomplishments on a web based portfolio.

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