Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Week 2 Analysis: Site Launch Feedback

For this weeks assignment, Analysis: Site Launch Feedback, we were to view a video which showcases our professor giving past students feedback on their created website for their fictitious company. This was to help us understand what to do and what to avoid for our projects submission. It also helps us become more aware of what we need to look out for when editing our website.

What struck you most about the sites reviewed?

What struck me most about each site was the professional looks of the website. I was also struck by what I was feeling that I liked and disliked about each site as they were being reviewed. I have a better understanding of what I expect of my own website. I was also shocked that it seemed like there weren't enough use of the stock images. I will make sure to use the images given to me for my business. It's also good to know how imprtant brand consistancy is. That seemed to be a heavy topic, so I will make sure to keep that in mind for my project.

Identify 3 specific issues discussed - How will you avoid the same mistakes on your own site?

Three issues that were discussed during this video:
1.     Incorporate focus points higher in on the page.
To avoid this mistake, I will make sure to place any information of significance, higher up on the page and make it stand out more, so it’s a clear focus piece to the viewer.
2.     Make sure that each page is consistent with it’s information, headers, and footer.
To avoid this mistake, I’ll make sure to have all the headers, and footers remain in the same positions on each page, to avoid any confusion for the viewer.
3.     Usability issues.
I’ll make sure that any and all the links on my webpage work.

What do you need to spend more time researching?

I’ve learned I need to spend more time looking at other websites, similar to my companies, to gain a better understanding of what these websites brands represent. Also, doing research on similar businesses so I can gain a better outlook on what kind of content I need to be writing up and adding to my website. I also need to figure out what information is the most important to my viewer, and where I can place that information to make it easily accessible to my viewer.

What will you do differently as a result of seeing this feedback?

From seeing this feedback, I’ll make sure that I’ve provided all working links, no dumbie, text, and a consistent look. Consistency is key! Making sure that the color is synced, the fonts are consistent, text, spelling and grammer are correct, and the headers and footers are consistent. I’ll also make sure that my users don’t have to scroll so much, and navigate everywhere in order to find information they need. Then, I need to be sure that I do not place a dense paragraph of text. Breaking up text with short sentences and bulleted information is really important to creating a clean page.

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