Tuesday, April 15, 2014

WK3 Practice: Team Orginization

Team Name (created by Ishmael Mayhew):
IT Media Solutions

Roles and responsibilities -

Team Leader - Organizes the groupDocumentarian - Keeps track of project details and deadlines
Researcher - Explores and tests possible apps for production useLead Writer - Heads up the scripting processPhotographer/Media Producer - Captures all project imagery

Video Editor - Pieces together individual project components
Audio Engineer - Responsible for all project audio, including voice over and soundtrackStrategist - Publishes and promotes your video in an effort to increase it's visibility/view count
Our Script (rough draft):
Product: Oreos

Taylor reaches into cupboard and pulls out a package of Oreos.
She goes to the fridge and grabs the milk.
She grabs a glass and pours the milk into the glass.
She goes to the table and sits down at a pre-set table.
She drunks an Oreo into her milk and impatiently waits for the Oreo to sog up.
She lifts the Oreo up and half drops into the milk.
She sighs and looks defeated.
She notices the fork to her left.
She places a new Oreo onto the fork and dunks it into the milk and waits.
Success! No more Oreo mishaps!

Ishmael's voice announces (or text displays): Never have soggy Oreo sadness again.

Oreo, making people happy since 1912.

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